You’ve been warned.

Bison being swept out to sea; 400 hundred people being airlifted to safety; hikers being trapped for days by raging rivers and landslides; homes, roads and bridges washed away. This might sound like the trailer for a new apocalypse movie, but in reality it just means that Michele and Glenn recently went on vacation.

We leave major natural disasters in our wake.

Don’t believe me? Just take a brief trip down memory lane from our world travels a couple of years ago where we were accompanied by volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, freak hail storms, blizzards, record-setting heat waves and devastating wild fires. Read my old blog post “Flirting with Disaster” to see photos and re-live those events.

It’s like we’re distant cousins of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise then, to learn that just weeks after we visited Kauai, Hawaii, they are experiencing the worst rain, flooding and landslides they’ve ever had…which is saying a lot for an island that is one of the wettest places on earth. In two days they got the equivalent amount of rain that Los Angeles gets in two years! The “worst natural disaster to occur on Kauai in the last 25 years” one article said.

This headline could have just as easily read “Michele and Glenn Visit the Hawaiian Island of Kauai.”

Our view of the Hanalei area on our vacation.

So, this blog post is a cautionary tale.

You should think twice before you invite me and Glenn to come visiting, unless you happen to have an “Act of God” rider on your home-owners insurance policy.

By the way, we’re looking for a fun travel adventure for this summer…anyone want us to swing by and say “hi”?!? 😉

About Michele

I've always been the adventurous sort. For example, in my 20s I was a pilot, skydiver and wildland firefighter. Over time that gradually shifted and by the time I was 30 I was surprised to discover I had somehow become a spectator in my own life. I've worked hard to rediscover that adventurous girl that lives inside of me. I've dug her out, dusted her off and put her back on my feet again.

2 comments on “You’ve been warned.

  1. Hello, Michele, I have enjoyed learning about your adventures. If you are in the Twin City area (MPLS-St. Paul), we are not far from there, over the border in Wisconsin. Kim and Brian were here last summer and can fill you in if you wish to visit. I would love to meet you and Glenn in person.

    • Thanks Maureen – I promise Glenn and I were nowhere near you last week with that crazy winter storm! I love that area, as I went to college in North Dakota (Grand Forks) and many of my friends still live in the Mpls/St. Paul area. We hope to visit again some day! Thanks for following my blog. 🙂

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