
Glenn and I have been apart for 37 days, which included one birthday, one wedding anniversary and one past life regression (as one does.)

That is by far the longest time, and the longest distance, we’ve ever been separated since we started dating many, many moons ago.

When we made the decision to experiment with traveling separately for vacation this year (which I wrote about in my last blog post), I’m not sure we really comprehended how much time we’d end up apart.

If you’ve been following Glenn’s blog, you’ll know that he has just completed the Camino de Santiago, a ~500 mile walk across northern Spain.

I’m about to set out on my big adventure, but decided to “swing by Santiago” on my way so that I could give him a quick kiss and a high-five before we parted ways again as he heads back home, and I head off on my trip.

I thought it all sounded terribly romantic when I purchased my plane ticket to Spain.

I’d make my way to this relatively obscure town somewhere in Spain where I’d anxiously await Glenn’s triumphant arrival outside of the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral where he would finish his epic trek. He’d be on his last legs…barely able to put one foot in front of the other. Just knowing I was waiting for him would be enough for him to crawl the remaining miles…his knees bloodied, but his spirit determined.

We’d run in slow motion across the crowded plaza into each others outstretched arms…my silky skirt flowing out behind me as I ran toward him…Glenn’s frazzled beard flowing out behind him as he limped toward me. He’d shed his pack and his walking sticks in his desperation to reach me more quickly. The inspiring music playing in the background would rise to a crescendo as we finally embraced…and the crowds around us would cheer and wipe tears from their eyes to witness such love and devotion.

The reality wasn’t nearly so romantic.

It turns out it was really a big pain in the butt to get to Glenn, as the town he finished his trek in (Santiago de Compostela) isn’t conveniently located near any major international airport hubs. The process of getting to him, and then getting to where I’m headed, added about 4 extra days to my trip. Plus, I was suffering from major jet lag and Glenn was sweaty and beyond exhausted…so there was no running for either of us.

In fact, I totally missed him. I was camped out at one end of the plaza looking down upon what I thought was the main road in…camera ready for the big money shot. Turns out that wasn’t the route in, but was instead where the pilgrims go to get their certificates of completion (which explained why so many of the bedraggled hordes didn’t seem to be in a hurry.) I eventually got a text from Glenn that he was in the plaza behind me, and had been for there for the last five minutes. Doh!


Even if it didn’t turn out exactly as I had imagined, I wouldn’t have changed it for the world. I got to meet a handful of the friends he made along his journey, bumping into many of them in the plaza or walking about town. It was really important for me to share in at least a small part of this major life experience Glenn just had.

I’m sure it will take him weeks, months…possibly years…to really process the experience of walking 12 to 22 miles a day for 34 days in a row. I have no doubt it was one of the best gifts he could have given himself. I’m so honored that I got to experience a tiny piece of it with him.

I only had one request of Glenn before he left and that was for him to send me a “proof of life” selfie at least once every day. I’m so glad we decided to do that, as that picture was easily the highlight of my day. Every day.

Glenn's "proof of life" selfie that he sent me everyday

I missed Glenn terribly while he was away, and not just because I had to survive doing laundry by myself (three times!) I missed having his sweet, calming and humorous energy in the house. Everything rang a little hollow without him about. I slept terribly without him by my side. I worked long hours and it was beyond stressful, and I think that was due, in part, to not having him around to help balance my energy out.

One of my favorite things about him being away, though, was following his adventures on his blog. I felt like his biggest fan…waiting anxiously to see his new post appear. His musings were contemplative, and hysterical, often at the same time. This is the Glenn I know and love, and it thrilled me to see him sharing that part of himself with the world.

So, here we are, reunited for just a bit more than 24 hours. In the morning we’ll go our separate ways again for at least a few more weeks. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and if nothing else, our little experiment in separate vacations this year is showing us that in spades.

But oh the tales we’ll have to tell each other when we’re finally back together again!!

Until we meet again…

About Michele

I've always been the adventurous sort. For example, in my 20s I was a pilot, skydiver and wildland firefighter. Over time that gradually shifted and by the time I was 30 I was surprised to discover I had somehow become a spectator in my own life. I've worked hard to rediscover that adventurous girl that lives inside of me. I've dug her out, dusted her off and put her back on my feet again.

8 comments on “Reunited!

  1. Sounds like a wonderful adventure Michelle, it was a pleasure spending much time with Glenn on the Camino. In fact we now miss his musings, both the contemplative after the hysterical.
    We look forward to, one day, a reunion and a formal meeting!!
    Sincerely Glenn and Jan🇨🇦

    • Thanks Glenn. I must admit, it’s nice to have (my) Glenn back…but I’m happy to share him, anytime. I hope I get to meet you both one day!

  2. Beautiful reunion story Michele, even if it didn’t happen exactly the way you envisioned it. Enjoy you’re upcoming adventure. I can’t wait to hear all about it!

  3. You are in big trouble Young Lady, you were supposed to clean your room before you left! Just wait until your Father gets home.
    Dad, 🙂

    Have the trip of a lifetime.

  4. was SO happy to see this post, and I am so glad you had your reunion (even if it wasn’t cinematic – that crap is overrated anyway, imho)! I am so so so glad you got your time together, and I can’t wait to hear about your upcoming adventure! 😉

    • Yes John, my descriptions of my upcoming adventures will feel so real you’ll almost think you were there yourself! 😜

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