Princess Pestilence

Princess Pestilence

It is my most fervent hope that everyone has the chance to have at least one magical person who comes into your life — at the exact moment you need them — and transforms everything for the better. Bea was that person for me.

On the surface, she was my high school English teacher. In reality, she was the cornerstone of the foundation upon which I’ve built the amazing life I have today. This is not an overstatement.

Endings and Beginnings.

Endings and Beginnings.

I’ve been pondering endings and beginnings lately, both of which can be bittersweet. Seneca (the Roman philosopher) said “every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” I find myself sifting through things that have happened in this past year and parsing them into exactly that…1) new beginnings, or 2) some other beginning’s end.